Risks and Threats of Corruption and the Legal Profession

08:00 Registration

08:30 Opening Remarks


08:40 International corruption: general aspects and global legal frame work

What is corruption?

Tha concept of international corruption.

Forms of corruption.

International anti-corruption instruments.

Extraterritorial legislation (FCPA, UK Bribery Act).

Local implementing legislation.


09:45 The International Anti-Corruption Framework and the Legal Profession

The Role of intermediaries in international business transactions.

Why is this important for lawyers?

How a lawyer may become involved in corrupt activities in their role as intermediary?

Exploring the long-arm jurisdiction – how does it work and why does it matter for the practice of legal profession.

Facilitation payments

Client relations, hospitality and gifts.


Workshop – Case Study (Liability for corruption).

A group exercise staged to dissect a real life scenario where a legal practitioner involved in an international transaction could be caught up by the long-arm jurisdiction of law countering international bribery. This session will be followed by a brief discussion at which outstanding issued can be addressed.


11:30 Avoiding corruption

Developing an anti-corruption culture in your law firm.

Designing an internal anti-corruption program, including the development of “whistle-blowing” protections, the implementation of investigatory and disciplinary procedures, tips for identifying “red flags” and providing for effective reporting procedures.

Guidelines on what to do when faced with corruption.


12:30 The Client’s Perspective

This session will explain current trends among multinationals and other important clients regarding their requirement and expectations in relation to anti-corruption compliance of their external legal counsel.


13:00 Concluding Remarks: A National strategy for the legal profession to promote anti-corruption



Eni S.p.A. - Piazzale Enrico Mattei, 1 - Roma

8.00 - 13.00


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